After traveling to so many places, all the people and buildings become a blur of energy with brief snapshots caught in memory. These are montages of this blur by reconstructing cities, peoples and buildings.
Thinking about how much visual information a person processes daily, especially in a new place. The brain must process but ignore most of everything, which makes the snapshot or small detail that sticks in one’s memory quite special. In ways we all reconstruct cities differently, in an impressionistic way with selective small details as highlights.
This cohesive body of work and mural in a Portland, OR gallery moves back to more literal drawing. After so much digital and photo work, I was happy to return to the pen. Plus the limited color pallet, tan paper with white collage really worked well as a cohesive look.
This show had no connection with the M.I.A. inspired name. But after seeing her 2005 video “Galang” I was influenced by her direct approach to music, playful but serious rapping and finally the super colorful self-created clothing. Many of my titles have no connection with the art they’re recording… but I always attempt to have fun with them.