Backspace was a downtown hotspot in the early 00’s- combining art, computer gamers, coffee drinkers and beer drinkers in a run down part of Portland, OR until 4am. Even though I don’t play video games, I love them and surrounding myself around people who do. I view them as some of the most impressive creative works, where game designers have people “live” inside the worlds they create. That’s bad ass.
As Backspace was expanding to the space next-door and building out a bar, Justin Gorman and took over the unfinished space and put a show/party.
We did live painting, created a process painting video as well as sold these prints.
I was just starting to experiment with water based abstract paintings- which was an important step for me to access the emotive side of my art. It was a release of sorts- which I combined energy and color together which would come to serve as an important backbone of my art to come.