
I’m in Dublin. I drink lots of guinness. the bad news? its the same price as in america. oh well. I’ve been able to get some great pictures due to great weather an gangs of Irish children not killin me. Click on link: EUROPEAN PASTORALISM. to see the pictures

No more America.

Mission Europe has begun: I’m in London now! by the graces and generiosity of nice people Check back for more and more european updates.!. I’ll be updating this site with pictures and info as much as possible. Click on link: EUROPEAN PASTORALISM. Current Local: London. strangly Portland has more than five times the bums as london. go figure.

Upper Playground show

Signed in blood: the 869build collab: Justin Gorman and Myself will be in the December Upper Playground show. This show will feature some of Portland’s finest in the new/hot Upper Playground gallery/store (nw 5th and Couch, Portland). Upper Playground started on Haight street, San Fran- been doing beautiful shit for a minute or two.


Just saw the group Ratatat. dope. check them out at: their website

mural for the cure

I’m currently finishing up my mural: to be up in portland this winter. The process has been exhausting… but the final product will make little children cry and old people laugh.


In one month exactly I start my tour of Europe. I’ll be checking on conventional progress, taking photos, consulting with foreign brethren, and last but not least- dodging suicide bombers. A daily post will be set up on this site- with photos and deep rambling excerpts from journals and…like scribbles on beer coasters from bars. things like that.

New show: Ayden Gallery

New show: Ayden Gallery in Vancouver, BC. Lots of dope artists. check out the bill. If you can’t make the show. you can still buy some pieces online. A discount-rock-bottom-blow out sale! art for cheep. Have nice artwork in your living room and cute girls will think your deep. introspective. cultured. even if you are not.